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After cyber attack on clinics: What was done?
Published on October 22, 2024
September 1, 2024: Suddenly nothing works in the Wertachkliniken in Bobingen and Schwabmünchen: the IT systems are blocked, operations have to be canceled, everything is only possible-on paper."The IT call service immediately determined that what is more serious. The lines were then also cut up in order to be able to narrow down the damage," explains Martin Gösele, the board of the Wertachkliniken.
About the article: Why Hacker aims at the health industry
Hospital with malware attacks
The Wertach clinics were victims of a so-called ransomware attack.The IT systems are made unusable.In addition, the publication of the data is threatened if a ransom is not paid.The clinics leave open whether this happened in this case.
300 gigabite of sensitive data in the Darknet
The fact is: Data to the significant extent was published in the Darknet.Specifically: 300 gigabytes!Bank details, patient files, addresses: "There is an abstract danger that this data will be found and also used for criminal purposes. But for everyone, it is certainly anything but easy to get to this data," says Thomas Goger, the public prosecutor's press officerBamberg, who have taken over the investigation at the Wertachkliniken.
Hundreds of concerns register according to cyber attack
Hundreds of people from the district of Augsburg and beyond fear their data.An independent ombudsman, the BKP compliant, takes care of those who may be affected.A total of a good 400 people have already registered via hotline and request portal.
"We are a bit the soul flower. Many call many every day and ask whether their data are affected and what data are affected," reports Managing Director Stefan Kreiseis.According to the cooling ice cream, those who are affected should be particularly attentive and pay attention to unusual activities and report suspicious processes immediately.
Remove data from the Darknet?Difficult
The General Prosecutor's Office has so far not been known to criminal use of the stolen data.Removing it from the Darknet is anything but simple, says Thomas Goger from the Bamberg General Prosecutor's Office.
It is extremely difficult and in most cases it is even impossible to find out technically at all where the specific server is on which the data is located."And I should know that, for example, to be able to confiscate and switch off a server," says GoGer."So unfortunately it is the case that our technical investigation options for such publications in the Darknet are relatively limited."
But sometimes it is possible to put the craft from the perpetrators, such as in May 2024. In the greatest blow to the world's greatest, a total of more than 100 servers were confiscated and 1,300 domains were taken out.
Big damage, but also an opportunity
The Wertachkliniken are just one of many companies and institutions that are hit every year.There you did a lot in advance to minimize the risk.But there is no 100 percent security.
The perpetrators found a loophole in September.In the meantime, almost all systems are running again.But until everything is up to date again, it will take some time, explains Martin Gösele, the board of the Wertachkliniken: "Every single device was camouflaged whether it was clean, additional security mechanisms have been installed."In addition, training courses are planned to sensitize employees to the topic of cyber security.The conclusion of the clinic board: "Everyone worked well together in the situation and reacted well. And: We learned about it."